Bulk Create Accounts For Large Organizations

Read before getting started:

Sheet 1 should contain at least the following 3 header fields: Email Address, Machine Name, Friendly Name

Sheet 2 should contain no header fields. Each row is giving access to specific email addresses for a given organization.

Example Sheet 1:

Email AddressMachine NameFriendly Name
anbosmia@forsyth.k12.ga.usFORSYTH_COUNTY_SCHOOL_DISTRICT_AAFI_BOSMIAArpan Bosmia at Alliance Academy for Innovation
NCrowder@forsyth.k12.ga.usFORSYTH_COUNTY_SCHOOL_DISTRICT_AAFI_CROWDERNick Crowder at Alliance Academy for Innovation

Example Sheet 2:


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Email address of one person who has access to all accounts